Saturday, July 23, 2011

Big Sis is Watching You

Now they're teaching us to spy on one another... note the consistent themes of race-baiting, racial distrust and suspicion in this video produced by the Ministry of Love, AKA Homeland Security. Note the overwhelming effort to portray the vast majority of suspicious persons (e.g. terrorists) as caucasian. Note the disregard for 9/11 in the examples of terrorism shown. I especially like the scene where a woman calls the police to turn in a man (white of course) doing something highly suspicious.... that is, writing in a notebook and using his smartphone.

Why isn't someone shown reporting someone running across the border, a clear violation of the law which happens many thousands of time each year? Will the next video like this go even lower by encouraging people to turn in anyone who asks not to be patted down by a TSA officer? How about someone who doesn't have the right political ideas? Oh, wait, we're not in East Germany...yet.

I am totally against terrorism and in favor of fighting it. But pitting people against one another is a tactic used by every fascist regime for the past 100 years. This is disgusting and unworthy of our nation. Is this what "the land of the free" has degenerated into?

We have GOT to elect people in this country who believe in curtailing the encroachment of the federal government into our lives.

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