Obama Says He Is "Proud" Of Hoffa After Union Leader's Remarks
For a president who called for a new era of civility, to praise Teamster president Jimmy Hoffa Jr. after his remarks about "taking these sons of bitches out" is the most cynical, disgusting kind of political pandering. The Teamsters have for decades embodied the dregs of union corruption, fat cat-ism and cronyism. That's not just my opinion, it's easy to research and see for yourself. But Obama is "proud" of him. Perhaps the same sort of pride as he felt in his anti-American and anti-Semitic pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah Wright?
As of 2010, union employees accounted for fewer than 12% of the American work force, continuing a steady decline of union prestige, influence and power that has been underway for at least 30 years. Among other reasons, that's because private sector workers in particular don't want anything to do with unions and their rampant corruption. Interestingly, that's about the same length of decline of prestige, influence and power among American liberals.
Maybe now those same private sector workers (including the silent but real minority of union members who despise their unions) will decide they don't want anything to do with this failed president and his cynical pandering to unions. This guy is providing so much easy fodder for his opponents, it's their game to lose in 2012.
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