I haven't posted much lately - I've been much more engaged with Facebook. It's easy, social, fun. Blogging seems so.....2005. But it's better for telling stories in a different way. I've been working quite a bit. Our business is doing quite well but isn't immune from the larger economy. The past few weeks have been softer than we'd like.
I decided to opt out of a rugby trip to play a tournament in Seattle. It was a tough choice but I'd have had to travel on business to Puerto Rico, then to Seattle to play rugby all weekend over Memorial Day, and then back to Virginia to work all week. I realized a couple of months ago when I got some form of flu or something - that when I get myself all worn out, my health deteriorates. Then I'm no good to anyone. I can't do everything, including driving 50 miles one way to practice twice a week at 6:45pm when I don't get out of work until 6pm. So, I had to make choices. I'll be back in the fall because I do enjoy the game and the team work. My focus is to learn more about the game, which hopefully will be easier when I am starting from the beginning of the season instead of in mid-season.
I've been worried about myself "not coping" with Dad's death. It is odd that it hasn't really hit me yet. Over the past three years there was a lot of time to prepare for the moment when he was gone. But, when does all the grief hit me? I am still waiting.
The BF and I are enjoying our time together. The past weekend was a lot of fun, and also productive. What a relief to have a new ceiling fan in the bedroom! No more constant squeaking sounds from overhead! The new fan is silent, moves more air, and looks better too.
The new spring landscaping is (mostly) installed in the front yard. Once everything is established, it's going to look great. More color and more perennials.
I'm really enjoying my new car, a 2009 Cadillac STS. I managed to find a pre-owned one with about 12k miles on it, for a great discount versus new.

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