Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wake Up, Washington
How does this health care debacle, which doesn't take effect until 2014, do anything to help the (conservative estimate) 10% of Americans who are out of work this Christmas? Or the hundreds of thousands of Americans who will be foreclosed upon this month? Nope - they're busy jetting off to Copenhagen, to a global warming conference that literally took place in a blizzard. And, we're busy ramming through a health care overhaul that the American people don't want and can't afford.
Anyone with even the most basic understanding of economics has to know there is no way on earth that this can work. It doesn't work on the demand side, because the dollars just aren't there without gigantic tax increases, cuts in Medicare, or worse. It doesn't work on the supply side, because the managed care system (which is already about 50% paid by government dollars even today) has already created a shortage of Doctors and nurses. How will it work when there are millions more insured patients demanding care in a system with the same number of providers? This isn't rocket science, folks.
Every single poll shows - at most- lukewarm support. The latest RCP Composite Data of 9 different healthcare polls shows that 38% of Americans favor the Democrat healthcare plan, and 51% oppose it.
RCP also shows that President Obama's approval rating has now fallen below 50% for the first time. You can easily research this on your own, (one good article is here) and see that this is very low for any president after only 1 year in office. Obama won about 53% of the popular vote. Hardly a mandate to dramatically increase government control over about 1/5 of the economy.
Did anyone even consider alternatives, like creating more incentives to buy insurance on the open market, with secondary insurance for things like pre-existing conditions? Something? Anything? Other than this? It doesn't seem like it, and it speaks to the true motivation here: power. It's probably unconstitutional and definitely should be chilling to anyone who wants Uncle Sam to leave them the hell alone.
All of this leads me to believe there is a political day of reckoning coming in this country that will make the congressional upheaval of the early '90s look like amateur hour.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Oblivious: Pelosi Endorses ‘Global’ Tax on Stocks, Bonds, and other Financial Transactions
CNSNews.com - Pelosi Endorses ‘Global’ Tax on Stocks, Bonds, and other Financial Transactions
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Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving Recovery

Sis and Mom are on their way back home and we're here recovering at my house. Two exhausted cats are snoozing in their favorite spots and we've eaten up most of the Thanksgiving leftovers.
I enjoyed most of the family visit but there were some moments with Mom that I found really unpleasant. At least once a day during her visit she became really rude with someone - usually a worker in a shop or a waitress. When her unspoken rules of perfection are violated, she snaps at people or just storms off. It's embarrassing to me for a bunch of reasons and it's not surprising that by last night I had a splitting headache that two rounds of Advil couldn't stop. I went to bed around 10pm which is early for me. I doubt that she knows or cares how hurtful some of her statements and behavior are.
In the past week I've been told ("joking", of course) that I could be disinherited, reminded twice that I've made relationship mistakes in the past, told not to "get snippy" even though I hadn't done anything, told that I wasn't rinsing the dishes correctly, and so on. Happy Holidays! Of course there were positive convers

Here's another picture from our trip to "Ice" at the Gaylord Texan. This year's theme is the Grinch and as usual, the ice sculptures were amazing. My boyfriend treated us to fast pass tickets and a nice buffet dinner.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen said the policy he outlined last week at an Asia Pacific summit was endorsed by President Barack Obama and the other leaders calling for "an ambitious, binding agreement" in Copenhagen, even though it would fall short of a legal treaty.
"The stronger our politically binding agreement in Copenhagen, the faster the progress toward a new legally binding, global climate regime," Loekke Rasmussen said.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The LBJ-scape has changed since 1999. West of Mac Arthur, the stores, restaurants and office buildings now stretch almost all the way to Grapevine. I remember there being little other than grass and wildflowers back in my Dallas Alpha days. Back then, my office was in Farmers Branch, right near what is now the new DART line and the new Sam Moon center. But "Hole in the Wall Burger" is still there on Harry Hines. And so is that place that makes the custom lighted Christmas decorations there at the corner of LBJ and Stemmons.
Those 9 years in NJ did happen, too. A colleague at work shared with me today how he and his partner have parted ways. They recently completed renovating their new home, and now they are splitting up. I couldn't help but think about the two breakups I endured during my Jersey period. The first one came years later than it should have, but happened after a particularly trying time of buying and renovating a "fixer upper" house. I thought it would be a home for many years. While you're living it, it's easy not to realize how much things change over time, whether it is our relationships, life plans, homes, or the scenery along LBJ freeway between Irving and Grapevine.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
White House admits: We 'control' news media
White House admits: We 'control' news media
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Friday, September 25, 2009
Powerful Speech by Benjamin Netanyahu
Netanyahu Speech at UN: Full Text Transcript and Video The News is NowPublic.com
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Röyksopp 'The Girl And The Robot'
If you've not heard of these guys and you like danceable electropop, check this track out.
Insult and Injury by The Editors on National Review Online
Insult and Injury by The Editors on National Review Online
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
Presidential Transparency?
Suborned in the U.S.A. by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Miss. Joan. Crawford.
Joan shows us how it's done..first with some complicated blocking and then an expressive journey through the world of "Sudden Fear"! She's planning how to turn the tables on evil husband Lester (Palance) and floozy Irene (Gloria Grahame).
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Bonjour: Action Jeans
I vividly remember this ad. But then when Bonjour appeared at Bradlees I knew the trend had passed.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Special Relationship
Friday, June 5, 2009
Lady GaGa - StarStruck
I dunno - Gwen Stefani has been my girl. But I am thinking of cheating because Lady GaGa is HOT.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Since Dad died in early April I have been gradually weaning myself off the antidepressant / anti-anxiety medication Lexapro. I had been up to 20mg qd. I have loved the way Lexapro made me feel - carefree and unconcerned with stress. But my lack of emotion related to Dad's final illness and death startled me - could the Lexapro be completely blocking out my emotions? Plus, it was never my intent to be dependent on medication to feel "happy". So I found some 10mg pills in my medicine cabinet (my former dosage) that were still fresh, and started on those for about a month. For the past few weeks I've been splitting the 10mg pills to make roughly 5mg. I'd done enough reading to know that if pills have a split mark in them, it is safe to split them. I also knew enough not to abruptly stop taking an SSRI that I'd been on for about 2 years. As I've gradually tapered down, the withdrawal symptoms have been present but manageable. So far, I've experienced:
- lethargy, spaced out feeling
- difficulty with short-term memory, especially during the day
- headaches
- dizziness
I hear people refer to "brain zaps" which is a little too Hanna-Barbera for me to grasp. I do have weird feelings in my head, especially in the mornings, but it's hard to characterize. I hope to be off Lexapro altogether by July 4 - then just taking the occasional xanax as needed for my nerves. Wish me luck!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Let Them Eat Cake!
Today, as millions of Americans are out of work and struggling to pay their bills, as the government is working to stabilize the dollar after borrowing trillions, and as GM has filed for bankruptcy (including being nationalized and today announcing more than 20,000 job cuts), the Obamas are basking the afterglow of their taxpayer-funded date last night. Maybe this date reflects some of the "sacrifice" that the President has called for? Or maybe it's the "change" that some believe in?
Seriously, is this why we pay taxes? Will ANYONE in the national media pick up this story?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Today I visited our local IKEA in Frisco, TX. From where I live, this means driving on a toll portion of TX 121 (now called Sam Rayburn Tollway, consistent with the North Texas tradition of naming expressways) to where it meets the Dallas North Tollway in Frisco. The picture below is from th

Anyway, I bought a few trinkets at IKEA. I got a placemat for Cici's food and water dishes, along with two bud vases and a new lampshade for a IKEA lamp in my bedroom. The total damage was only about $24. Not bad!
Something causes otherwise healthy people to become retarded when they shop at IKEA. For those prone to this problem, here are a few guidelines to make all of us enjoy the experience more.
1. IKEA is a one-way street in the main aisle. No exceptions. Ever.
2. If you are from another culture where strangers are regarded as something inferior to dog meat, remember that you are no longer in that culture, and you need to adapt, or get on a big shiny airplane home. Have a nice day!
3. Shopping alone at IKEA is a bad idea, but it can be done. There are lockers near the loading area where you can store your purchases for *FREE* while you go to pick up your car. No need for struggling with all those things, trying to get the cart over the barriers, etc. (Yes, I have seen this happen.)
4. Know where the shortcuts are. If you know what you want, you can often skip the upstairs area and go directly to the "marketplace" section downstairs. Remeber the one-way street commandment.
5. Stopping dead in the main aisle to gawk, talk, or scratch your ass is unacceptable.
6. When you reach the checkouts, head left for shorter lines in the full-service option. A new self-service option is available and it works pretty well. Note that bags are not available anymore in the self-serve area. That is, unless you want to pay $.59 for a floppy, mildewy reusable bag.
Hope this helps!
Monday, May 4, 2009
What's New

I haven't posted much lately - I've been much more engaged with Facebook. It's easy, social, fun. Blogging seems so.....2005. But it's better for telling stories in a different way. I've been working quite a bit. Our business is doing quite well but isn't immune from the larger economy. The past few weeks have been softer than we'd like.
I decided to opt out of a rugby trip to play a tournament in Seattle. It was a tough choice but I'd have had to travel on business to Puerto Rico, then to Seattle to play rugby all weekend over Memorial Day, and then back to Virginia to work all week. I realized a couple of months ago when I got some form of flu or something - that when I get myself all worn out, my health deteriorates. Then I'm no good to anyone. I can't do everything, including driving 50 miles one way to practice twice a week at 6:45pm when I don't get out of work until 6pm. So, I had to make choices. I'll be back in the fall because I do enjoy the game and the team work. My focus is to learn more about the game, which hopefully will be easier when I am starting from the beginning of the season instead of in mid-season.
I've been worried about myself "not coping" with Dad's death. It is odd that it hasn't really hit me yet. Over the past three years there was a lot of time to prepare for the moment when he was gone. But, when does all the grief hit me? I am still waiting.
The BF and I are enjoying our time together. The past weekend was a lot of fun, and also productive. What a relief to have a new ceiling fan in the bedroom! No more constant squeaking sounds from overhead! The new fan is silent, moves more air, and looks better too.
The new spring landscaping is (mostly) installed in the front yard. Once everything is established, it's going to look great. More color and more perennials.
I'm really enjoying my new car, a 2009 Cadillac STS. I managed to find a pre-owned one with about 12k miles on it, for a great discount versus new.

Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
How Nice
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
New York
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Unfortunately Steve tore a hamstring early on in the match and had to be replaced by another lock, so we didn't have a chance to play together for very long!

How cute is THIS guy?
Saturday night was for going out on the town and meeting up with some other players from our team. We didn't stay out too late, though, due to various aches and pains. We stayed at a Residence Inn near I-40 in OKC where a new gatehouse was under construction. Since breakfast was being served in a trailer, we decided to eat elsewhere. Later on Sunday we did some sightseeing around the OKC area. We visited Bricktown, a redeveloped warehouse district near downtown. Nearby was the Myriad Botanical Gardens and the Crystal Bridge Tropical Observatory, which appears to be straight out of a Logan's Run episode. Later we paid our respects at the Oklahoma City National Memorial, which was built on the site of the former Murrah Federal Building in the north end of downtown. The centerpiece of the Memorial is a tranquil reflection pool, flanked by rows of chairs representing each victim of the terrorist attack on the Federal Building. It is constructed within the site formerly occupied by the Murrah Building.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A New Member of the Family

Don't Blame Me, I Didn't Elect Him
From page H1412 of the Final Stimulus Bill, “SEC. 111. EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: “(iii) The prohibition required under clause (i) shall not be construed to prohibit any bonus payment required to be paid pursuant to a written employment contract executed on or before February 11, 2009, as such valid employment contracts are determined by the Secretary or the designee of the Secretary.” This amendment provides an exception for contractually obligated bonuses agreed on before Feb. 11, 2009, which exempts the very AIG bonuses Obama is condemning every single chance he gets. The amendment is in the final version and is law. The provision was inserted in conference committee by Senate Banking Committee chairman Christopher Dodd (D., Conn.), one of the biggest beneficiaries of political contributions from AIG. Another of the biggest recipients was the Obama campaign, which took about $100,000 from AIG, according to several published reports. All of this does start to look a bit like a smokescreen, doesn't it? The same guys who took campaign money from AIG appear to have added language protecting AIG executives - and now that it's public, the fake outrage is really laughable. All the while, the parties continue at the White House. Apparently our new President is unable to even communicate with partygoers without his now-famous teleprompter. Laughable.
The Prez said of AIG: "This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed," Obama told a group of small business owners. "I mean, how do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat?"
Well Mr. President, they probably started by following the law you signed into effect.
And if (and it's still an if) the bonuses are contractually protected, the reality is that contracts are part of the basic rule of law. However odious and hateful the creeps who receive them are. If we want "revenge", attorneys general should go after AIG decision makers instead.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Health Care "Facts" White House Style
Rest In Peace, Wendy Richard
British actress Wendy Richard passed away recently after another brave battle with cancer. Known to some Americans as "Miss Brahms" from Are You Being Served? Richard also played Pauline Fowler on EastEnders, my favorite series of all time. As an original character from the series dating back to 1987, those of us who have followed the show from the beginning thought of Pauline as almost an extended family member. Pauline and the love of her life, husband Arthur, are pictured here. Richard left EastEnders in 2006 over creative differences with writers regarding the proposed remarriage of Pauline. She will be dearly missed.
Annoying Things
2. Lazy filling stations that don't replenish the receipt paper for "pay at the pump", bluffing that we won't bother to go inside. I go inside.
3. Waiting more than an hour past the scheduled time for a medical appointment.
4. The constant drumbeat of negative economic news from the media and from politicians. Don't they see they are making things WORSE with all the negative talk?
5. People who are in over their heads at work, and are too ignorant to realize it.
Care to add to my list? Comment and tell me what you think is annoying!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Cross-Dressing Robber Arrested
Saturday, February 7, 2009
25 Random Things
2. My favorite color is green.
3. Work is important to me, but it's not #1.
4. My favorite TV show is EastEnders, a BBC serial. It's not shown in my area, so I've had to get creative to see it. :-)
5. Although I am more of a dog person, I have one cat who I love very much. My dog lives with my ex. I miss the dog more than I miss my ex. I still think of the dog almost every day.
6. I don't always know when to cut my losses.
7. I used to wear my heart on my sleeve more than I should. After being burned a few times, I don't seem to feel things as deeply anymore.
8. I get nervous more than is healthy, probably.
9. My Dad is very ill.
10. My best buddy lives in North Carolina. He's having a hard time of it lately. Wish I could help him more.
11. My new boyfriend is great to snuggle with.
12. Learning to play rugby has been interesting but I'm discouraged with it. I think I'm not very good.
13. I don't care about my carbon footprint. I do try to use energy in a smart way.
14. I don't believe that people are responsible for most "global warming." I think it's the sun's activity.
15. I've had lots of unusual jobs, including car salesman, working in a movie theater, and working in a building products warehouse.
16. I'm good with being gay, although I wish for a family of my own sometimes.
17. The first concert I saw was Bryan Ferry.
18. Both my parents are only children, which I didn't realize was unusual until a few years ago.
19. My first dog was a show dog. He bit me in the face when I was 17. I had 49 stitches and I have a permanent scar.
20. I was skipped through first grade after a few weeks. Looking back, this had social and academic effects on me for years.
21. When I get anxious, my stomach gets upset.
22. Procrastination is a bad habit I have.
23. My favorite cuisines are: Tex-Mex, Indian, Thai, and Italian.
24. My all-time favorite actress is Joan Crawford.
25. Some of my favorite movies are: 2001 A Space Odyssey, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Empire Strikes Back, and Mildred Pierce.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A Test of Integrity
This woman is named Zeituni Onyango.
Who cares? Well, she's the illegal alien aunt of the President of the United States, Barack Obama. She's currently living in Ohio, in defiance of a court order to leave the country.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Personally I believe the average competitive rugby player is far more of an endurance athlete than the average football player. But I am sure many will disagree. And as I've been reminded recently, my opinions are highly inflammatory.
If you're interested in learning more about the differences between American football and Rugby Union check this out.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Family Time
I took a vacation day today so that I could drive over to see my parents while in the area. Dad's condition has worsened since Christmas so I am glad I made this choice. Every day counts. Tomorrow I drive back to the airport for my flight back to DFW! Steve is very generously picking me up at the airport.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
How Did I Miss This?

This vortex of water is at first ominous for its sense of danger. In fact, three people died here in 1994 when a child jumped into the water (then 9 feet deep - now reduced to 2) and two others jumped to their deaths in attempts to save the child. Thankfully the water depth has been revised to protect children and their inattentive parents. There is only one way in and out of the center area, inviting Fort Worth citizens to interact as they pass on the narrow walk, and reinforcing a shared sense of destiny as members of the broader community.

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Heading Home

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Hey Mickey
I got to play for about 20 minutes in this week's rugby game against the Griffins. We played fiercely and well in a hard fought game that ended in a tie. I am enjoying learning about rugby and becoming a player. It is a nice way to spend time with Steve, too.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
As Seen on TV

Tonight my extra-special boyfriend Steve and I were browsing our local Fry's Superstore when we encountered an incredible impulse buy: The Snuggie.
Even more impressive was the aggressive $14.99 price point. Apparently the staff of Fry's watch as much TV as I do, because we overheard them say "Yeah, on TV it's $19.99!!" Being the sweet guy that he is, Steve bought each of us a Snuggie. Thanks, honey! Now, for that storage ottoman to keep our Snuggies in!!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
A New Day

So today was the first day back to work after the holiday break. Although it was hectic, it was good to be back in the saddle. Steve and I have been spending a lot of time together, which is good. We both like to read. Steve is a big fan of comics and picks up his every week at Zeus Comics on Lemmon Ave in Dallas. As you can see from the pic of my coffee table, we're both backed up on reading material.
Rugby practice was cancelled tonight on account of the crappy weather here in the D/FW area. While I normally find it laughable when two snowflakes shut down this entire region, freezing rain and ice are another story. Despite my snow-country upbringing, stopping a vehicle on ice is pretty much impossible.
Friday, January 2, 2009

Hey everybody...it's January 2009 and thank you to everyone who has r

Christmas break has been fun so far. I'm off work until Monday, so I still have a few more days to go! I went back to New York State to visit with my parents. Christmas wasn't a bright shiny holiday for me this year, as I was dealing with the news that my Dad's cancer has returned and become even more aggressive. I'll post more about this as I learn more but at this point good thoughts and prayers are welcome and are the best I can do. Spending time with my parents and sister was lot of fun though, and Santa was good to us all.
After Christmas I met up with my best friend Rob and we drove together to Washington, DC in his new car. We stayed in DC for two nights and enjoyed seeing the sights, such as going to the National Mall and the Jefferson Memorial. While there I also met up with my new boyfriend Steve who was visiting family in Maryland. The three of us went out on the town around Dupont Circle on Saturday night. While I enjoyed spending time with two of the most important people in my life, it was not an easy interaction and the visit in DC was really destroyed for me since neither of them were happy with me. I felt like an asshole for several days even though I still don't understand what I did wrong. I don't feel the need to return to DC anytime soon. After DC, Rob and I drove down to Charlotte and had a nice visit. Rob's new apartment is very nice and I love the Southpark area of Charlotte where he lives. We went to eat at a fabulous restaurant called Bricktop's which is my new fave CLT eatery! On Tuesday morning I flew back home to DFW and have been enjoying some R&R time.
Pink - So What
Guess what
I'm havin' more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm allright
I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So so what?