I think I've heard one too many snarky cracks about "zombie Jesus" this past week, because it's really started to irritate me that anyone thinks it's okay to make such remarks about the religious traditions or holidays of others. A variation on this meanness is to take a set of religious views, marry it up somehow with some political vitriol, and throw it back to illustrate some so-called hypocrisy. I have to also observe that this is consistently done by people I know who are on the left side of the political spectrum, however, I am sure that there are many examples on the other side. I don't pay much attention to the media so I'm not really interested in having that debate here.
To Christians, Easter is the most sacred celebration of the year. For those who celebrate Easter, it marks the fulfillment of God's promise of eternal life in communion with Him. Heavy stuff for sure. Even if one doesn't share those beliefs, some respect would go a long way. I hardly think it's in vogue for people to make fun of the Islamic Hajj, Judaism's Passover, or any number of revered traditions around the world.
We hardly need more religious intolerance or ignorance in this world, do we?
So then why is it now in vogue among the college educated, urban elite to make a mockery of the faith held by others? I can predict this response to my challenge: "Well, it's just like what the people on the right do when they attack anyone who doesn't share their views." Even if that were true, two wrongs still don't make a right. This is exactly the kind of scorched-earth, eye-for-an-eye mentality that is tearing this country apart from within. Maybe actually learning a thing or two about the teachings of Christianity, including turning the other cheek to one's enemies, would be instructive. But you see that's not what these people do from inside their highly educated, elite, mostly white enclaves. For many, if it's not on NPR or a Twitter feed, well, it's not relevant anymore.
For me, I resolve to take the high road and not participate in these kinds of jokes. I honestly don't think I have, but from now on I will mindfully not participate.