Don't make the mistake of speaking out against TSA in Janet Napolitano's America. You might be visited by federal agents. Seriously, wouldn't they WANT this kind of input??!?!!
Does anyone else see this nation rapidly headed toward becoming a police state? Full body scans in order to use the only viable form of long distance transport suckled by the Federal Teat...Random bag searches starting on the D.C. metro...FCC giving itself permission to regulate the internet (what would Al Gore say??)...and yet these same politicians won't adequately deal with our southern border. I guess we know who the Feds see as a threat. It's us.
Sacramento-area pilot punished for YouTube video | | Sacramento, California | News
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
These are the Things I Can Do Without
The word is "jewelry", not "joolery". I heard this today in a so-called expert sound bite on the radio news.
"Epic" is being seriously (Epically?) overused at the moment. It's often paired with the word "fail" which really means "failure"....on and on.
"I call bullshit". Really? I call you a coarse, uneducated hick.
Lastly, deleting your bitchy, mean Facebook posts doesn't erase the fact of your bitterness. It only demonstrates your cowardice in addition to your decrepit intellect.
"Epic" is being seriously (Epically?) overused at the moment. It's often paired with the word "fail" which really means "failure"....on and on.
"I call bullshit". Really? I call you a coarse, uneducated hick.
Lastly, deleting your bitchy, mean Facebook posts doesn't erase the fact of your bitterness. It only demonstrates your cowardice in addition to your decrepit intellect.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Assorted WTF
In no particular order.
When we have some of the best highways in the country, why can't people drive the speed limit on wide open roads, and why can't they get the hell out of the left lane?
Why are liberals so vitriolic and bitter toward a woman who holds no elected office? Oh, that's right, because you think she's a stupid little hick woman. Sure. That doesn't sound misogynistic at all.
How does anyone in this company have time to stand around talking and wasting time like I see them doing every day, and then leave at 5pm?
When we have some of the best highways in the country, why can't people drive the speed limit on wide open roads, and why can't they get the hell out of the left lane?
Why are liberals so vitriolic and bitter toward a woman who holds no elected office? Oh, that's right, because you think she's a stupid little hick woman. Sure. That doesn't sound misogynistic at all.
How does anyone in this company have time to stand around talking and wasting time like I see them doing every day, and then leave at 5pm?
Monday, December 6, 2010
Today's Oddness
It's no secret that playing rugby takes a toll on one's body and I'm no exception. As I am now midway through my third season as a forward (and about to turn 40) it's become evident that I need to go to a sports medicine Doc to get my right shoulder looked at. The pain has been escalating all season and is now bad enough that it's affecting my sleep. MRI here I come. So I finally made an appointment!
As further evidence of today's excitement, a new garage door opener was installed at my home today. After 2 months of a totally non-functional opener, it made an immediate difference! I actually highly recommend it. For a grand total of about $400, it's like night and day...quieter, smoother and just better. It's nice when something actually works right on the first try.
I've been struggling with bad dreams for the past several weeks. Although I've attributed it to the stress of Thanksgiving visits and a hell of a lot of pressure at work, the dreams continue. They're not night terrors where I awaken screaming, but they are generally very unsettling. One recent example involved me returning to a home (mine, but not the same house as my current home) to find all of the windows smashed out and my cats missing. Last night I dreamt that I got into a terrible screaming match with my mother (a recurring theme for many years in my dreams) involving disagreements over many family issues, criticism of me, etc. Sweet Dreams!
As further evidence of today's excitement, a new garage door opener was installed at my home today. After 2 months of a totally non-functional opener, it made an immediate difference! I actually highly recommend it. For a grand total of about $400, it's like night and day...quieter, smoother and just better. It's nice when something actually works right on the first try.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Your Daily Dose of Escapism
I seriously think this is what would happen if Tom Jones showed up in "The Village" as in The Prisoner....
Monday, November 15, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Hellfest 2010
On Saturday, our rugby team hosted a tournament for several gay teams from all over the country. Although the day started off cold and FROSTY (this is Texas on October 30!??) it ended up a great day for our team as we took the championship cup! It was a great weekend both on and off the pitch. The photo is from the Dallas Voice...that's me jumping in a line out.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Our Contemptible Congress :: The Atlasphere
A sobering look at politicians on both sides of the aisle who have no grasp on the Constitution they are elected and sworn to defend. Of course, it's easy to control the ignorant, right?
Our Contemptible Congress :: The Atlasphere
Our Contemptible Congress :: The Atlasphere
Saturday, October 23, 2010
UK Central Office Of Information - Dont Play in the Water
I'm not sure which is more ominous here...the fact that this is a PSA from the "UK Central Office of Information" or the terrifying notion that death lurks around every corner! Swimmers beware!
Monday, October 4, 2010
DYNASTY: Even Witches Take Planes
A very funny encounter between Krystle and Alexis... no one vamps it up like Joan Collins!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Have You Ever Wondered?
I loved this commercial back in my college days. It was all over late night TV in the late '80s...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Labor Day
I've been away this weekend visiting family. It's been a nice break and a refreshing change of scenery. Texas is great but the long hot summer just wears you down. On top of this I've been going through an intense period at work so a break really has been welcome.
More and more I am asking myself what I'd like to do with my career and life going forward. I guess this a natural part of (almost) being 40 and having a good amount of life experience under my belt now. Corporate life for the most part has been lucrative and interesting but I'm starting to think more regularly about doing something different like starting a franchise or maybe even college teaching. I'll explore these in more detail as things develop but it's the beginning of a process that hopefully leads to something fulfilling. Right now I have a lot more questions than answers.
I've also made a conscious choice to begin asserting myself more. Confrontation and standing up for myself have never been strong suits for me. In the past when I've done what I consider to be standing up for myself, it has led to negative consequences for the most part and this has made me a little scared to do it. What I've started to realize is that I have needs, a valid point of view, and the right to expect to be treated with respect. To expect loyalty in return from those who I give my loyalty. To expect that my needs are met, and if they are not, to change the situation to one where my interests match those of the other person(s) involved. I'm too old for second best at this point. I've also worked too hard to get where I am to tolerate being mistreated by people who are flat out not my equals, or to settle for less than what I need in a variety of aspects. Maybe it sounds selfish and maybe it is.. after all, I have no kids and really very little family other than some close relatives and my partner. Who else is going to look out for me? Seems like I have to look out for #1. What do you think?
More and more I am asking myself what I'd like to do with my career and life going forward. I guess this a natural part of (almost) being 40 and having a good amount of life experience under my belt now. Corporate life for the most part has been lucrative and interesting but I'm starting to think more regularly about doing something different like starting a franchise or maybe even college teaching. I'll explore these in more detail as things develop but it's the beginning of a process that hopefully leads to something fulfilling. Right now I have a lot more questions than answers.
I've also made a conscious choice to begin asserting myself more. Confrontation and standing up for myself have never been strong suits for me. In the past when I've done what I consider to be standing up for myself, it has led to negative consequences for the most part and this has made me a little scared to do it. What I've started to realize is that I have needs, a valid point of view, and the right to expect to be treated with respect. To expect loyalty in return from those who I give my loyalty. To expect that my needs are met, and if they are not, to change the situation to one where my interests match those of the other person(s) involved. I'm too old for second best at this point. I've also worked too hard to get where I am to tolerate being mistreated by people who are flat out not my equals, or to settle for less than what I need in a variety of aspects. Maybe it sounds selfish and maybe it is.. after all, I have no kids and really very little family other than some close relatives and my partner. Who else is going to look out for me? Seems like I have to look out for #1. What do you think?
Monday, September 6, 2010
From time to time I've thought of "unfriending" certain people on Facebook and other similar sites. I'm sort of concerned about backlash, but I'm also tired of wasting time and energy reading posts from people who are consistently negative, bitter, judgmental, and so on. Also, I frankly have Facebook friends that I don't care about and who have nothing to offer me. So why bother? I think some selective unfriending is about to start. Has anyone else tried this and is so, how did it go? Discuss.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Dear Interweb and Facebook People,
I don't want to watch a news video. I'd like to actually read a story instead.
I don't want to read your pro-establishment political diatribes. I'd like to hear how you are doing instead.
I don't want to read yet another post about how great your life is. I'd like to hear about something - just one thing - just one time - that you did to make someone else's life better, not your own.
I don't care to see your umpteen thousandth "Hipstamatic" print. I'd like to see an original picture.
I don't want to watch a news video. I'd like to actually read a story instead.
I don't want to read your pro-establishment political diatribes. I'd like to hear how you are doing instead.
I don't want to read yet another post about how great your life is. I'd like to hear about something - just one thing - just one time - that you did to make someone else's life better, not your own.
I don't care to see your umpteen thousandth "Hipstamatic" print. I'd like to see an original picture.
Pleasant Family Shopping: A Charming Day at Wards
Pleasant Family Shopping: A Charming Day at Wards: "A brief look inside some typical Montgomery Ward stores of the mid-60’s, as shown in some official publicity photographs. The "Charm School" photo makes me want to sign up! I'd be more likely to be the teacher, though.
Some of you might know that my very first job, back in 1986, was at Wards. Most of the time I worked in men's apparel.
Some of you might know that my very first job, back in 1986, was at Wards. Most of the time I worked in men's apparel.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Summer Project and Emotional Afternoon
The sprucing up around the house has begun! Old gutters were removed today, bad wood pulled down and replaced, crappy dilapidated screen enclosure torn out...fresh paint, nice new gutters and a big, open back patio are hopefully only a day or two away!
Of course, nothing in my life happens without drama. The contractors somehow managed to trigger the security system, which led to a scary phone call and me zooming home after lunch to make sure no one was breaking in to the house. Luckily it was a false alarm and everything is back to normal.
When I got back to work, things were very quiet. I started sorting through some old emails and came across one that my Dad had sent me back in summer of 2008. It was very emotional for me to read it. Luckily I was able to close my door and regain my composure. Miss you Dad!
Of course, nothing in my life happens without drama. The contractors somehow managed to trigger the security system, which led to a scary phone call and me zooming home after lunch to make sure no one was breaking in to the house. Luckily it was a false alarm and everything is back to normal.
When I got back to work, things were very quiet. I started sorting through some old emails and came across one that my Dad had sent me back in summer of 2008. It was very emotional for me to read it. Luckily I was able to close my door and regain my composure. Miss you Dad!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ads I Hate
Hating this ad with the white hot heat of a thousand suns! OK slight exaggeration, but not much. Haven't done an "ad I hate" post in months. It's long overdue!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Holy. Crap.
It's no wonder we GenX kids turned out a bit odd. And gay. Look what our world looked like in the 1970s! Click here for the gallery from Retrospace.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Breyers Vanilla Fudge Brownie Sandwiches
It's happened. A product has surpassed the excellence of Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. Try them and let me know what you think!
Wouldn't have noticed these had I not received a checkout coupon down at Tom Thumb.
Wouldn't have noticed these had I not received a checkout coupon down at Tom Thumb.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Dallas Performing Arts Center
The Wyly is one venue within the new Performing Arts center taking shape in downtown Dallas. It is the only "vertical" theater in the world and is completely configurable, allowing different house layouts for innovative productions. Different "components" of the theater can be moved using hydraulics, including the stage, seating areas, and the proscenium. Even the exterior walls are retractable, allowing both indoor and open-air performances to be staged. This video page features an interesting depiction of the concept behind the Wyly. The Performing Arts center is the largest group of performing arts facilities to be built in the US since Lincoln Center in the 1960s.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Happy Birthday America!
I have to admit that this July 4 is one of mixed emotions for me. In past years I've been so proud and happy about our country. For the first time in my life I am starting to feel that our best years are behind us..our current situation is the first harbinger of rapid and continuous decline. From Washington to the seems like there are no solutions.
I pray that I'm wrong. Happy Fourth.
I pray that I'm wrong. Happy Fourth.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Bingham Cup
After two seasons of practicing, learning and playing on the Dallas Diablos, I'm off to my first rugby tournament tomorrow evening!
The Bingham Cup, named after 9/11 hero Mark Bingham, is an international rugby union event for gay teams. This year the tournament is being held at the National Sports Center outside of Minneapolis.
Our host hotel is the Marriott City Center, which looks very nice. Hopefully they have plenty of ice on hand for all those ice baths our coach will make us take after our matches!
The Bingham Cup, named after 9/11 hero Mark Bingham, is an international rugby union event for gay teams. This year the tournament is being held at the National Sports Center outside of Minneapolis.
Our host hotel is the Marriott City Center, which looks very nice. Hopefully they have plenty of ice on hand for all those ice baths our coach will make us take after our matches!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen
So our current President has stated in public that prisoners at Guantanamo should be tried in civilian courts. But a US citizen can now be killed without trial, based merely on suspicion. Where is the outrage, America? Can you even imagine what the consequences would have been if the previous President had taken such a stance? This article is from Salon, more typically a progressive news source, and even they seem shocked.
Confirmed: Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen
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Confirmed: Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen
Posted using ShareThis
Monday, March 22, 2010
Healthcare Bill
To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. -- Thomas Jefferson
I would like for someone to show me exactly where in the constitution it says that our government has the authority to compel citizens to purchase health insurance, or face a fine. It's my understanding that just such a provision was passed in the house bill last night. I wonder if most people realize that this bill is "funded" (allegedly) by $400 billion in new taxes, and $500 billion in cuts to Medicare. That's right - half a trillion dollars stripped from healthcare for senior citizens. Great job, Congress! Get ready to have your asses handed to you on election day.
I would like for someone to show me exactly where in the constitution it says that our government has the authority to compel citizens to purchase health insurance, or face a fine. It's my understanding that just such a provision was passed in the house bill last night. I wonder if most people realize that this bill is "funded" (allegedly) by $400 billion in new taxes, and $500 billion in cuts to Medicare. That's right - half a trillion dollars stripped from healthcare for senior citizens. Great job, Congress! Get ready to have your asses handed to you on election day.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Skelton opposes repeal of 'Don't ask, don't tell' -
I love it how the Democrats want our votes (and lots of people in the GLBT world give them our votes without question) but yet they consistently aren't on our side when it comes down to key issues. When are gay peeps going to wake up?
Skelton opposes repeal of 'Don't ask, don't tell' -
Skelton opposes repeal of 'Don't ask, don't tell' -
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Exhausted Presidency
When even Maureen Dowd attacks from the left, this presidency is in serious trouble.
Barack Obama and the Exhausted Presidency
Barack Obama and the Exhausted Presidency
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